thyroid glands


The thyroi is one of the largest endocrine glands in the body. This gland is found in the neck inferior to (below) the thyroid cartilage (also known as the Adam's apple in men) and at approximately the same level as the cricoid cartilage. The thyroid controls how quickly the body burns energy, makes proteins, and how sensitive the body should be to other hormones.

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Tweets about thyroid glands

  • "I'm a 21 year old girl. I'm overweight only because I have abnormal metabolism and thyroid glands. I always try...
  • @FIGHTIN_DEMONS Think of it this way, thousands of people have under-performing thyroid glands or have had them completely removed...
  • Fukushima Radiation Already Damaging Thyroid Glands Of California Babies | RAW FOR BEAUTY
  • Accelerated thyroid glands for the win 👌#alcoholic 😂 @JonnyDL6
  • In unrelated news: I cannot sleep. Probably because I can't stop thinking about thyroid glands. #whatisthedealwithmylife
  • @Thatigbochick I've just red through your blog that you had to remove your thyroid glands with a surgery, I'm glad you're good now #thankgod
  • @NubianCake yeah thyroid glands is the only one I've heard about