tiny tim


In a last-minute change in his manuscript, Charles Dickens renamed Little Fred this

Trivia about tiny tim

  • Married for the 3rd time in 1995, his 1st marriage to Miss Vicki was performed on "The Tonight Show" in 1969
  • Falsetto ukulele strummer Herbert Khaury
  • Probably the most famous ukulele player to have a top 40 hit, his name came from a Charles Dickens character
  • This classic 1843 story character was the child of a clerk
  • "Mr. Timothy" by Louis Bayard tells the tale of this Dickens character as an adult--God bless us!
  • "Christmas Carol",Bob's boy,sickly sort
  • He's the offbeat performer heard hereTiptoe, by the window...
  • This character from an 1843 story "bore a little crutch, and had his limbs supported by an iron frame!"

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