

The tongue is the large bunle of skeletal muscles on the floor of the mouth that manipulates food for chewing and swallowing (deglutition). It is the primary organ of taste. Much of the surface of the tongue is covered in taste buds. The tongue, with its wide variety of possible movements, assists in forming the sounds of speech. It is sensitive and kept moist by saliva, and is richly supplied with nerves and blood vessels to help it move.

Trivia about tongue

  • The taste buds that sense sweetness are on the tip of this organ
  • This chief organ of taste is composed of skeletal muscle
  • A giraffe can clean its ears with this up to 18-inch-long appendage
  • In carpentry, this body part "& groove" form a joint between 2 boards
  • Guinness reports that in one hour Al Gliniecki tied 833 cherry stems into knots with this part of his body
  • To examine your throat, the doctor needs a "depressor" for this
  • We're not lying, the beaded lizard has a forked one
  • We wonder if this variety meat tastes you while you're tasting it
  • The hypoglossal nerve controls its many movements, including wagging
  • In Italy, kidneys are rognoni, brains are cervello & this variety meat is lingua
  • On giraffes, this prehensile muscle can be 20 inches long
  • If a Japanese isha (doctor) asks you to stick out your shita, he means this
  • According to Escoffier, these lingual organs of sheep "make an excellent luncheon entree"
  • Like the chow, the shar-pei is noted for having this blue-black organ
  • "Better the foot slip than" this
  • The word language comes from "lingua", Latin for this body part
  • The hyoid bone supports this organ & provides attachment sites for muscles used in speaking & swallowing
  • Peter Fogg designed the "Lace Tuck" found on this part of your Nikes
  • Said too much?Revealed a secret that you didn't mean to?You've had a "slip of" this
  • A chameleon can use this organ, almost as long as its body, to catch birds
  • A languet resembles this body part, in shape or in function
  • The name of the hypoglossal nerve tells you it's situated under this
  • Sensations from the top rear two-thirds of it are carried to the brain by the lingual nerve
  • It can be a dialect or a bell clapper
  • Early Roman epicureans slaughtered flamingos to eat this organ of the lower mandible
  • I'm all up for Deli but let's skip this lingual meat, even if it does come with a potato pancake
  • Let's talk about this organ, which the French call langue
  • To keep a secret means holding this part of the body
  • When not in use, it's retracted by a woodpecker, & it may wrap around under the skull, beneath the skin
  • Glott- or lingua-;there's a mother one
  • Glossalgia is defined as pain localized in this organ
  • The rear third of this human organ is called the root; the rest is the body part that "wags"
  • La langue
  • Flat & broad, linguini is named for this body part
  • "A jest's prosperity lies in the ear of him that hears it, never in" this part "of him that makes it"
  • The classic French cookie called a langue de chat looks like this kitty part--luckily, not an ingredient
  • (Sarah of the Clue Crew digs in in Estonia) I'm in Estonia snacking on keele sült, an appetizer of this organ meat, sometimes known as gossip's fate
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew walks along the Snake River.) Also found on a shoe, it's the V-shaped point of entry to the rapids where the fast current of the deep waters has cleared rocks away
  • Glossitis
  • The hypoglossal nerve functions as the motor to most of the muscles of this organ
  • Glosso-