

Originally, a torch was a portable source of fire use as a source of light, usually a rod-shaped piece of wood with a rag soaked in pitch and/or some other flammable material wrapped around one end. Torches were often supported in sconces by brackets high up on walls, to throw light over corridors in stone structures such as castles or crypts.

Trivia about torch

  • 1983: "____ Song Trilogy"
  • In a 50 mph wind this part of the Statue of Liberty can sway 5 inches
  • It's what the Statue of Liberty is holding in her right hand
  • Statue-torily, there's one of these at the center of Indiana's flag, representing Liberty
  • This object on the Indiana flag symbolizes liberty & enlightenment, like the big one in New York
  • Shop:No, you will most certainly not be working with the gas-flame device called an acetylene this
  • A flaming one of these on Indiana's flag represents liberty & enlightenment
  • Light you "carry" for an old flame(5)
  • Like Lady Liberty, Eros often carries one of these, but his aims to enslave you to desire

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