total recall


Total Recall is a 1990 Acaemy Award-winning American science fiction film. The film features Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sharon Stone, based on the Phillip K Dick story "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale". The film was directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Ronald Shusett, Dan O’Bannon, Jon Povill, and Gary Goldman. It won a Academy Special Achievement Award for its visual effects.

Trivia about total recall

  • "They stole his mind, now he wants it back" was a tagline for this Arnold Schwarzenegger film
  • Arnold arduously activates an ancient atmosphere appliance in this 1990 Martian big screen adventure

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Tweets about total recall

  • トータル・リコール(原題 Total Recall)「記憶」がテーマの今作品。主人公は列車内で偶然「旅行の記憶を売る」というリコール社(Rekall)の広告を見て、火星旅行の記憶を得ようと思いつき、後日注射を打たれるが・・・全体として面白いのだが、いくつか臆説のある作品。必見。
  • total recall joseph gyllenghal version. gg
  • Flosstradamus - Total Recall :
  • “Consider that a divorce” - Total Recall
  • Watching Total Recall —
  • @KaZa8_8 kaza أتمنى منك هاذا الفلم ( Total Recall )
  • @marshalkiriyama it was even more 'meh' than the new Total Recall. Not actually bad, just dull, and obviously not a patch on the original.
  • RT @bridgesquid: *describes the plot of eternal sunshine* "OH WHAT THE FUCK THAT'S JUST A RIPOFF OF TOTAL RECALL"
  • *describes the plot of eternal sunshine* "OH WHAT THE FUCK THAT'S JUST A RIPOFF OF TOTAL RECALL"
  • RT @Hellchick: Me: "We need to fix the culture that's causing this." [like "2 weeks" guy in Total Recall]: "But…we just need to get more wo…
  • Total Recall rose in the ranks of EXCELLENT films last night - so many points of confluence: O'Brannan, Verhoeven, Philip K Dick, Arnie...
  • It's always party time. 💃💃💃 #sneakpeek @ Total Recall HQ
  • Total Recall:
  • And what people want is tidy little narratives from victims. They want perfect and total recall from shocking situations.
  • "No.. no es la estación de metro de Total Recall (Desafío total) es de Estocolmo" ;) se lo he visto a @edu_arana
  • Re-watched a bit of Total Recall. I love that the guards on Mars have scientific calculators strapped to their wrists
  • whole intellects disgorged in total recall for seven days and nights with brilliant eyes, meat for the Synagogue cast on the pavement,
  • Movie Reviews: Total Recall #MovieReviews #Movies #Sci-Fi #TotalRecall
  • Jon and Al Kaplan - Total Recall The Musical (Arnold Schwarzenegger) Now playing on Geek Tunes Radio your home for 24/7 geeky tunes
  • RT @BehindScenesx: Arnold Schwarzenegger and Paul Verhoeven have a Mars Burger on the set of Total Recall.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger and Paul Verhoeven have a Mars Burger on the set of Total Recall.
  • RT @man_spach: They call me Total Recall on here because I'm known for having 3 tweets.
  • What was I doing with my life before I saw Total Recall?
  • Marquei como visto Family Guy - 11x18 - Total Recall #bancodeseries
  • @lizzyf620 I vote for a third boob, Total Recall style.
  • @lizzyf620 if its Kuato from total recall I'm going to be disgusted!
  • NES Longplay [215] Total Recall: via @YouTube
  • Oh man is Total Recall boring and awful...
  • @wolfhard it's one of the many reasons Total Recall and The Thing hold up so well compared to the meh remakes.
  • ♬ Bas Van Veen - Total Recall ♬ #nowplaying
  • #GeekTrivia answer: Philip K. Dick short story "We Can Remember It for you Wholesale" was renamed "Total Recall" in the film adaptations.
  • Total Recall totally holds up BUT I just learned I've been spelling Kuato wrong in all my tweets!
  • Total Recall Full Movie Watch Online. Like? Share ... Total Recall (2012) Film HD Poster…