

The somatosensory system is a wiespread and diverse sensory system comprising of the receptors and processing centres to produce the sensory modalities touch, temperature, proprioception (body position), and nociception (pain). The sensory receptors cover the skin and epithelia, skeletal muscles, bones and joints, internal organs, and the cardiovascular system. While touch is considered one of the five traditional senses the impression of touch is formed from several modalities; In medicine, the colloquial term touch is usually replaced with somatic senses to better reflect the variety of mechanisms involved.

Trivia about touch

  • In the thesaurus, this one of the traditional 5 senses is found with "tangency" & "palpation"
  • (Alex reports from Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, MI.) Some of the safety features being tested are seats & steering wheels that vibrate when a lane is crossed; it's called haptic technology because it refers to this sense
  • Impulses from some receptors of this sense have the longest path to the brain
  • The Righteous Bros.:"Ohhhh, my love, my darling, I've hungered for your ___"
  • Haptic means of or relating to this tactile sense
  • Your tactile sense; it can proverbially be this "& go"
  • Johnny put this on me for another twenty; guess the horses haven't been good to him
  • There's a finishing one and a Midas one
  • Meissner corpuscles are nerve endings thought to aid this sense
  • Early Egyptian physicians diagnosed & inspected patients by palpation, examination by this sense
  • The Tactile Dome inside the Exploratorium is totally dark; you have to use this tactile sense to guide you

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