

Tranquillity (also spelle tranquility or called equanimity) is the quality of calm experienced in places with mainly natural features and activities, free from disturbance from man-made ones. As such it is a public good and can be seen as an indicator of environmental quality. Although harder to measure than other indicators such as water or air quality, by analysing the various factors that contribute to tranquillity it is possible to produce maps which show the relative tranquillity of different areas.

Trivia about tranquility

  • From 1969: "Houston" this "Base here, the Eagle has landed"
  • The Constitution seeks to "insure domestic" this
  • The preamble sets forth to "insure domestic" this
  • On July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong radioed from the Moon, "Houston", this "base here. The Eagle has landed"
  • On July 20, 1969 astronauts first planted the U.S. flag on the Moon in an area called the Sea of this
  • The preamble mentions this peaceful state; there's a sea of it on the Moon