

In electronics, a transistor is a semiconuctor device commonly used to amplify or switch electronic signals. The transistor is the fundamental building block of computers, and all other modern electronic devices. Some transistors are packaged individually but most are found in integrated circuits.

Trivia about transistor

  • The inventors of this tiny device won the 1956 Nobel Prize for Physics
  • The iPods of the Baby Boom were small radios using this device invented in 1947
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports from the Intel Corporation in Santa Clara, CA.) Invented in 1947, this device that replaced the vacuum tube can now be a mere 150 atoms thick on a computer chip
  • It was named because it's a resistor that can "amplify electrical signals... transferred through it"
  • Without this 1947 invention of Shockley, Bardeen & Brattain, we'd have 40-pound Walkmans
  • In the '40s AT&T used a radio with no conventional vacuum tubes to demonstrate this device invented in its lab
  • In 2001 Hendrik Schön claimed to have created a molecule-sized one of these semiconductors-- bad Hendrik!

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