

Transylvania (Latin: Transsilvania; Romanian: Transilvania or Areal; Hungarian: Erdély; German: Siebenbürgen (help·info). In other languages: Polish: Siedmiogród or Transylwania; Bulgarian: Седмоградско; Ардял; Трансилвания; Serbian: Трансилванија, Transilvanija or Ердељ / Erdelj; Turkish: Erdel) is a historical region in present-day central Romania. Outside Romania, it is strongly associated with the novel Dracula, while within Romania and Hungary the region is known for the scenic beauty of its Carpathian landscape and its rich historic heritage.

Trivia about transylvania

  • This arboreally named area was made famous by a prince in the region noted for impaling enemies on stakes
  • Name shared by a European region famous for vampires & a Kentucky university that isn't
  • On TV's "The Munsters", part of Romania where Grandpa was born & Herman was assembled
  • Dracula's domain(12)
  • Associated with this large Romanian region, Vlad the Impaler was actually from neighboring Walachia
  • It's somewhat ironic that this Romanian region produces mainly white wine, like Tirnave Riesling
  • The happy cemetery seen here is in this 39,000-square-mile region of Romania associated with unnatural death
  • Vampire vicinity(12)
  • This flat, or should we say Vlad, region covers most of central & northwestern Romania
  • Stick your neck out in this mountainous region of Romania whose name means "beyond the forest"
  • Hungarians call this land associated with vampires "Erdely" & resent losing it to Romania in 1920
  • Meaning "the land beyond the forest", it's the area in which vamps camp
  • Punning on Glenn Miller, a 1985 film with Geena Davis as a vampire was called this "6-5000"