trashy girl


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Tweets about trashy girl

  • Dont post a picture of your pregnant belly, then one of you smokin a cigarette. You trashy, trashy girl. #grimelife
  • Mom said "she's uneducated why she talk like a trashy girl her parents raised her in the slums" 😂😂😂
  • RT @IsabelleDanen: only reason I'm looking forward to school is because trashy girl fights at the pit are always entertaining
  • only reason I'm looking forward to school is because trashy girl fights at the pit are always entertaining
  • How can you stay with someone that treats you like crap and talks to some trashy girl?
  • Trashy Girl Facebook Fails
  • You is a trashy girl, yes you are.
  • i dont want a trashy girl
  • I used too think it was ment too be but nah I'm good ! Focused on me and you stay focused on your trashy girl !(:
  • Trashy girl
  • I'm still not over the trashy girl at wiz burning me with her cig
  • You are such a trashy girl. 😷🙈
  • RT @Racheldubz: Girls need to understand that no guys want a trashy girl as their girlfriend ⁉️