

Trout is the common name given to a number of species of freshwater fish belonging to the Salmoniae family.

Trivia about trout

  • The rainbow variety of this fish is part of the same genus as the Atlantic salmon
  • Varieties of this fish include brown, rainbow & cutthroat
  • Probably the first fish raised in captivity, the rainbow species of this fish is most commonly found on farms
  • Hope you like fish:I'm serving the spotted, silver & speckled types of this--& I expect you to eat all of them
  • The "rainbow" on this fish is a band of red on each of its sides
  • Washington's state fish is the steelhead species of this
  • Rainbow, brook & lake are species of this fish, a relative of the salmon
  • The clear waters of the upper river are home to this member of the salmon family that spawns upriver
  • Native to the icy headwaters of the Kern River, California's state fish is the golden this
  • When rainbow species of this migrate to the sea, their color changes to silver; they're then called steelheads
  • Washington's state fish is the steelhead variety of this
  • Salmon are members of the same family as the speckled or brook variety of this fish
  • The fish known as the "lake" type of this is also called the namaycush & the togue
  • Sounds scary, but Colorado's official state fish is the greenback cutthroat type of this
  • Native to Idaho, the cutthroat type of this is the state fish