

Tuor is a male Christian name or given name used in Wales, and Romania, equivalent to Theodore. In Wales, 'Tewdwr' was an older spelling, later being Anglicised to 'Tudor'.

Trivia about tudor

  • Henry VII was the first ruler from this family on the throne of England
  • England's Bloody Mary(1553-1558)
  • Imitating British architecture in the 1600s, this style became popular in the 1920s
  • Henry VIII
  • This dynasty’s last 3 monarchs, including Mary I, died childless
  • Elizabeth I
  • Mary I
  • It was the royal family name of Henry VIII
  • After the wars ended, Henry VII claimed the throne, founding this dynasty
  • Royal family name of the prince in Mark Twain's "The Prince and the Pauper"
  • England's Henry VII & Edward VI
  • This British architectural style began with the accession of Henry VII in the late 15th century