typhoid fever


Typhoi fever, also known as enteric fever, bilious fever or Yellow Jack, is an illness caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi. Common worldwide, it is transmitted by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with faeces from an infected person. The bacteria then multiply in the blood stream of the infected person and are absorbed into the digestive tract and eliminated with the waste. The organism is a Gram-negative short bacillus that is motile due to its peritrichous flagella. The bacteria grows best at 37°C (human body temperature).

Trivia about typhoid fever

  • This "fever" is caused by a bacterium called salmonella typhosa
  • This infection of the intestines is caused by a bacterium called Salmonella typhi

Tweets about typhoid fever

  • RT @ao_TheLinkoln: Today in 1862, Lincoln is spending most of his waking hours with his son, Willie, who is critically ill from typhoid fev…
  • Today in 1862, Lincoln is spending most of his waking hours with his son, Willie, who is critically ill from typhoid fever.
  • @Sniper_Photo The House Fly is often a carrier of diseases, such as typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and anthrax.
  • RT @James007x: Franz Schubert died on this date in 1828 from Typhoid Fever. He was only 31 years old. #Shubert @AnastasiaVonB
  • Aku tengah kompius ni. Typhoid fever ni under infection outbreak ke tak? Ke boleh je sesuka hati nak kena?
  • @YaboyHarris typhoid fever
  • @ArthurAllen202 @cantab_biker @ElaineKalman Any idea? "He had typhoid fever. We called it “Fleg" (sp?) typhus. Typhoid fever, typhus." Thx
  • ‘Your daughter has typhoid fever,' said the doctor, 'She will die.'
  • #TodayInOpera 1828 Franz Schubert, Austrian composer died at 31 from typhoid fever
  • Franz Schubert died on this date in 1828 from Typhoid Fever. He was only 31 years old. #Shubert @AnastasiaVonB
  • High prosing rile furlough not destroy themselves excluding typhoid fever anhydrate: wUOZrpSj
  • Hello typhoid fever; goodbye eating out (for a while)...
  • @Olochridge has typhoid fever stay away sos
  • getting my typhoid fever and hep a vaccine because TANZANIA
  • Then again, I *did* once read nine Discworld novels in a week. I didn't make ten because I then caught typhoid fever. It was a hot streak.
  • RT @IAmBiotech: Researchers say new gene discovery could help build a better vaccine against typhoid fever
  • Yung internet parang Typhoid Fever, On & Off. Pwaaa
  • Typhoid gene unravelled: people who carry a particular type of gene have natural resistance against typhoid fever according to new resear...
  • Typhoid gene unravelled: people who carry a particular type of gene have natural resistance against typhoid fever a…
  • 1828 - Franz Schubert, Austrian composer (Die schöne Müllerin), dies at 31 from typhoid fever #thisdayinmusic
  • RT @jessespector: Another great baseball name: Pickles Dillhoefer. ... Sadly, he died of typhoid fever at age 28.
  • Another great baseball name: Pickles Dillhoefer. ... Sadly, he died of typhoid fever at age 28.
  • RT @dembonez19: Oregon Trail 2/10 Score represents the number of minutes played before entire family died of typhoid fever. #WriteAnIGNRevi…
  • I just need answers for typhoid fever 😭😭😭
  • Oregon Trail 2/10 Score represents the number of minutes played before entire family died of typhoid fever. #WriteAnIGNReview
  • @pizzabeertelly you give me typhoid fever
  • WKH #PopQuiz: If you guessed Typhoid fever, you were correct! Check back next Tuesday for another round!
  • Our kid was in a plane wreck, hubby had major shoulder surgery and now typhoid fever, but we are alive and happy! #inanutshell
  • Researchers say new gene discovery could help build a better vaccine against typhoid fever
  • @Pikabow_xoxo She suffers of typhoid fever
  • Typhoid Fever – Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
  • We called it "Typhoid Fever"
  • New brief on Typhoid Fever by George Mason University student Nicole Kraatz...
  • update, shots for typhoid fever hurt
  • Last day of taking pills for the typhoid fever vaccine. Glad that is over. 17 days left.
  • Listening to a podcast on typhoid fever while riding the bus LOLOLOL
  • @IamNickClaywell @Klann_Man Typhoid fever
  • @MrCShinn typhoid fever
  • @dannydecent1 You would've lost if Corey Perry didn't get the mumps. Seriously? The mumps? What's next, Typhoid Fever? #OregonTrail
  • Which of the following is not a characteristic of typhoid fever? - #HEALTH
  • @ediological but as you're my guy, I'm just here telling urge truth behind your typhoid fever diagnosis
  • @ediological like I said... Those lab tests are useless.. Google typhoid fever first
  • Known famously as Typhoid Mary, Mary Mallon was the first carrier of typhoid fever in USA.
  • Bmp kapan keluar sih... 😆😆 need it to heal my typhoid fever lol
  • fever 열, 발열, 흥분 typhoid fever 장티푸스
  • @ediological tests? Maybe you should Google typhoid fever first before you allow someone treat you for a disease you probably don't have
  • RT @EricTopol: How to avoid getting typhoid fever? Here's a #genomic variant that provides >80% protection
  • Down with Typhoid fever. No wonder im not getting better.
  • La elementary knitting wire fire reclaim myself out of typhoid fever imbue: QErtkxOt
  • ugh i wish i could have lived in the 1920s beca--*dies of typhoid fever*