

An Unientified Flying Object, or UFO, is any apparently flying object that cannot be identified. Various studies show that after investigation, the majority of UFOs are usually identified (see Identified flying object). The most recent statistical study of UFO reports determined that upwards of 98.5% of all UFOs were identifiable and attributable to known artificial objects and natural phenomena. Nevertheless, most discussions of UFOs focus on the belief that they are extraterrestrial spacecraft. There is no scientific evidence supporting this belief.

Trivia about ufos

  • By 1966 the Air Force had logged 10,147 sightings of these, but didn't believe any
  • Art Bell's show from Pahrump, Nevada often discusses these "objects", one of which Bell says he's seen
  • The Air Force released a 316-page report on an 8-year investigation that said there's no proof of these
  • A government study on these in the 1950s explained 90% of the sightings; that still leaves 10%... hmmmmm...