unemployment pay


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  • @Kahan22 @Cmodaboy I'm gona live there when I get out collecting BAH and BAS and will get national guard pay or unemployment pay
  • @jeffmason1 @kerpen Maybe he ran out of free phones, empty promises, tricks in his bag and an additional 50 weeks of unemployment pay.
  • @Spoonydoc oh I've heard that before 'of course I would take it!' (Reality; they're fired and first to rage at unemployment pay)
  • @David_Cameron @Conservatives plan to tackle unemployment. Pay £2 an hour! @ImagineerCiC @SallyAWarren #freudianslip
  • @theoktc @ClayTravisBGID Will Outkick protest Clays attempts at Unemployment pay?
  • @David_Cameron @douglascarswell.another con ,draw just £1 on your personal pension and you block your right to unemployment pay for ever.
  • @David_Cameron another con ,draw just £1 on your personal pension and you block your right to unemployment pay for ever.