

Tweets about usgoverment

  • “@EbolaAlert: what the #USgoverment will do about this?..
  • @RT_America a year ago, #USgoverment hated #Vice. when i saw a few days ago, #vice running #propaganda;then i knew they were sold out.
  • Dear #USgoverment WTF Iz ya'll doing?
  • #BREAKING: #USgoverment informs #Syria it will strike #ISIS for 3 years – Syrian FM #tcot
  • @bert_baldwin im not saying that most of help from the#USGoverment but we shouldn't buy or sell anything for Israel so there economy get low
  • @DubsWhit @Young_Chapp When a voter votes for Pres of USA, who gets elected? Hint: they go to college #USGoverment @BarackObama