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Tweets about valley

  • @_maxdshaw @cdixon iWatch is one of the most important event in tech that has nothing to do with watch industry
  • @AngelLamuno @mjmauboussin it was in past. Now take a look to groups of students that are the best in STEM study and
  • @BenedictEvans Exactly. "iWatch – Apple’s Next Revolution: Era of Humanized Computing"
  • @BenedictEvans Again, iWatch isn't a "watch": Significant part of iPhone functions will begin to migrate to iWatch
  • @emilychangtv @kpcb @johnmaeda "It always been that way.Think of why we want to buy Apple. We believe in Steve Jobs."
  • @GlenGilmore "Meditation and mindfulness are the new rage in Silicon Valley"
  • @BenedictEvans Apple"watches"isn't about watches.So their influence to the existing watch market will be insufficient
  • @adamquinton @BV @wadhwa @IlluminateVC Systemic Arrogance has Become Part of Silicon Valley’s Newer Public Narrative:
  • @joshdsullivan Silicon Valley “War on Women”
  • @NickTimiraos College major explains most of the difference in salaries that are usually hidden by average data