vatican archives


The Vatican Secret Archives (Latin: Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Vaticanum), locate in Vatican City, is the central repository for all of the acts promulgated by the Holy See. These archives also contain the state papers, correspondence, papal account books, and many other documents which the church has accumulated over the centuries. In the 17th century, under the orders of Pope Paul V, the Secret Archives were removed from the Vatican Library and remained absolutely closed to Vatican outsiders until the late 19th century, fueling rumors of what might be secreted away there.

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Tweets about vatican archives

  • do u ever get that unsatisfiable urge to break into the vatican archives
  • @katetscott from the Vatican archives @knbrmurph
  • @DavidStrutt @ThePCCLondon I guess that is probably easier to access the Vatican archives than licensing HBO for a cinema like PCC
  • "@CLOUD_STR1FE: What is stored in the #Vatican Archives and why is it restricted to the public?
  • The Vatican Archives
  • I wanna see the Vatican Archives. All the old books, codices etc. #nw #AngelsandDemons
  • @unilibrary head of Vatican archives has the letter the English sent asking the Pope to grant Henry a divorce in his office (or did in 2008)
  • @_icze4r In the Vatican archives.