

A viceroy is a royal official who governs a country or province in the name of an as representative of the monarch. The term derives from the Latin prefix vice-, meaning "in the place of" and the French word roi, meaning king. His province or larger territory is called a viceroyalty. The relative adjective is viceregal. A vicereine is a woman in a viceregal position (rare, as it usually includes military high command), or a Viceroy's wife.

Trivia about viceroy

  • A vicereine is a woman who functions as one of these officials or is married to one
  • A vicereine is the wife of one of these
  • A vicereine is the wife of one of these officials
  • Title for an official who rules a colony in the name of a king
  • Governor of a province who rules as the representative of his sovereign
  • ...this official who rules over a province or colony in the name of a king
  • Next to the president is the vice president; this "vice" is the crown's main representative in a territory
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an image of some butterflies on a monitor.) The monarch butterfly tastes bad to predators, so as a form of defense, this palatable but smaller butterfly mimics the monarch's coloration and pattern

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