

Virgo may refer to:

Trivia about virgo

  • No matter where you were born, if this is your sign, some astrologers would call you a Virginian
  • This "chaste" sixth sign of the Zodiac gets bold today! You're feminine, but you can play with the big boys!
  • The star Spica marks a stalk of wheat in this maiden's hand
  • David Copperfield & Claudia Schiffer must have a lot in common; they share this "maidenly" sign
  • Harsh criticism is characteristic of this "chaste" sign (Hmm...maybe your drill sergeant was born under it)
  • One symbol of this sign is a harvest maiden holding a sheaf of wheat
  • An August zodiac sign
  • Of the signs of the Zodiac, it's alphabetically last
  • This "virginal" sign represents perfectionists; nothing less than a gold medal will do
  • Astronomers say they've found 2 new planets, one in the Big Dipper & one in this "chaste" constellation
  • Quiet colors like soft brown are considered harmonious for people born under this "chaste" sign
  • If you were born between August 23 & September 22, this is your zodiac sign
  • Usually carrying a sheaf of wheat

Tweets about virgo

  • Your brain has been operating in high gear ever since the week... More for Virgo
  • RT @VirgoThatsMe: If a #virgo doesn't consider you a close friend, you can easily fall through the cracks without them even noticing.
  • RT @NoteVirgo: #Virgo agak pemalas melakukan sesuatu yang bukan keinginnanya.
  • RT @NoteVirgo: #Virgo memang keliatannya saja cuek dan pendiem tetapi sebenarnya mereka sedang memperhatikan lingkungan sekitar dengan cara…
  • RT @virrggoo: #Virgo is not heartless, they just get tired of doing things and caring for ungrateful people.
  • RT @NoteVirgo: #Virgo kalau sensitifnya kambuh emang suka ngambek dan nyebelin ngga jelas... tapi santei ko.. ngga pernah berlangsung lama.…
  • RT @NoteVirgo: #Virgo orangnya sabar kok... ngga suka maksain kehendak dia ke orang lain. :')
  • #Virgo akan selalu imajinatif, bersemangat dan cinta lingkungan
  • You want to convey the information you have at your disposal a... More for Virgo
  • RT @AboutVirgos: Sometimes #Virgo thinks too much, which makes them second guess themselves.
  • Evolucion 2 virgo caja y accesorios 5500 bsf. 04265607333
  • RT @TweetRAMALAN: Kebanyakan #Virgo adalah orang yg penuh cinta, tipe penjaga rahasia dan optimis
  • RT @MejorHoroscopo: #VIRGO: Puedes ser muy exigente y autoritario en muchas ocasiones pero no te portarás mal con quien no se porte mal con…
  • RT @NoteVirgo: #Virgo itu kalau udah bete atau kesel, lebih baik menyendiri.
  • RT @ZodiakArea: #Virgo: kamu memang selalu ingin membuat date kamu menakjubkan, tidak terlupakan dan terbaik.
  • RT @IamNovel: You want to convey the information you have at your disposal a... More for Virgo
  • RT @VirgoThatsMe: As a #Virgo, if you overcome your fear of letting go of control -- you have a chance of developing an imaginative side.
  • RT @virrrgo: #Virgo in any relationship will be loyal, supportive and once imbedded in the relationship will go the extra mile when needed.
  • RT @AboutVirgos: #Virgo loves to spend time with the loved ones.
  • RT @upcinoqsrespeta: #HoróscopoUPCino #Virgo Días malos en el amor, llenos de confusión y cierta pena... Calma, todo mejorará, las respuest…
  • RT @ZodiacoHoy: #Virgo Hoy si esperas mucho de las personas tal vez te quedes desilusionado, es mejor que veas por ti mismo.
  • @salprombbm Virgo 24Agustus yesss \=D/ bentar lagi wkwk.
  • RT @VirgoHoroscop: #Virgo has no problems staying single until the right person comes around.
  • virgo baka, bonekanya bejibun — biarin sirik looo
  • RT @virgo_zodiacc: #Virgo's are freaks. End of story.
  • RT @ZodiacoHoy: #Virgo Hoy si esperas mucho ...
  • RT @LilJazmine__: Virgo's & Scorpio's are the best sign 😏♉️
  • RT @NoteVirgo: #Virgo itu asik.. orangnya bisa serius.. bisa juga humoris.. asal udah kenal deket. hoho
  • RT @ZodiacoHoy: #Virgo Hoy si esperas mucho de las personas tal vez te quedes desilusionado, es mejor que veas por ti mismo
  • RT @NoteVirgo: #Virgo tuh yaa.. Caree .. Penyabar.. Pemaaf... Santai... kurang asik apa coba dijadiin sahabat.. apalagi pacar.. :| *eaaa
  • RT @YolandaSultanaH: VIRGO: Disfrute cada instante que pueda con su pareja. Las relaciones que inician se fortalecerán. No haga muchas locu…
  • I'm a Virgo baby... Come turn up with me this Saturday night at Club Krave.💗💗💗Pretty In Pink 💗💗💗 VIRGOS free b4 11
  • RT @TweetRAMALAN: #Virgo energetik dan jika sudah terangsang, kamu akan agresif secara seksual
  • RT nah"@TweetRAMALAN: Kebanyakan #Virgo adalah orang yg penuh cinta, tipe penjaga rahasia dan optimis"
  • RT @NoteVirgo: #Virgo suka susah ngungkapin atau nyampein perasaan sebenernya yang ada dihati dia, entah kenapa !! =))
  • #yay #itshere #almostthere #afewdays #virgo #beingvirgo #love #september #cannotwait
  • RT @AboutVirgos: #Virgo will always be there when you need them.
  • RT @ZodiacUpdates: Jodoh yg serasi untuk Virgo adalah Seseorang yg berzodiak #Aquarius #Cancer #Virgo #Scorpio #Sagitarius dan juga #Aries
  • “@virrrgo: #Virgo in any relationship will be loyal, supportive and once imbedded in the relationship will go the extra mile when needed.”
  • @virgo_sakusaku 星月wてかチャンスてw弱ってるとこにつけこんで奪うきまんまんw スタスカメンバー多いね! そしてスタスカではないけど、個人的に台詞全てが今やってるプリキュアと被るんだけどwwwキュアハニー全く同じこと言ってるよ!!美味しいご飯はみんな幸せとか!
  • Virgo "@SalpromBBM: #OkugaFC Apa Zodiak tanggal lahir mu"
  • @yayoisousaku117 なんか男の子の方が仕事できそうな感じじゃないけどね←
  • Hahaha mosokk ? "@Nonton_TIPI: Virgo energetik dan jika sudah terangsang, kamu akan agresif secara seksual"
  • RT @HoroscopoGr: #Virgo No le coges cariño a todo el mundo, pero cuando se lo coges a alguien te desvives por él. Más vale calidad que cant…
  • "@PibasP: Virgo: Se vienen los buenos tiempos en tu vida. #HoroscopoPP"
  • hay que ser virgo de alma para seguir mandando un "toque" por facebook.
  • Could it be him? Maybe with John Virgo doing a cameo?
  • “@virrrgo: #Virgo in any relationship will be loyal, supportive and once imbedded in the relationship will go the extra mile when needed.”💯✊
  • Hei.. Gue kaga baka -_- virgo baka — lo baka, pabboyaaa