

The Visigoths (Latin: Visigothi, Wisigothi, Vesi, Visi, Wesi, or Wisi) were one of two main branches of the Goths, an East Germanic tribe, the Ostrogoths being the other. Together these tribes were among the Germanic peoples who isturbed the late Roman Empire during the Migration Period, following a Visigothic force led by Alaric I's sacking of Rome in 410.

Trivia about visigoths

  • Alaric II, king of this branch of the Goths. was defeated in battle & slain in 507 A.D.
  • 410 A.D.: Under Alaric, these "Westerners" sack Rome
  • In 401 A.D. under Alaric , these fierce people invaded Italy, eventually besieging & sacking Rome
  • These western Goths (as opposed to the eastern Ostrogoths) ruled Spain until 711
  • In 711 a Muslim army defeated Roderick, the last king of these people in Spain
  • Alaric II, King of these "goths", was killed in the decisive Battle of Vouille against the Franks in 507
  • Innocent I was strangely absent when Alaric I of this ancient German group had Rome sacked
  • (Jimmy of the Clue Crew) When they were done sacking Rome, these Germanic people came to Spain & made Toledo their capital

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Tweets about visigoths

  • @onekade A Roman emperor may have given a similar speech when he vowed to stop the Visigoths at the Danube.
  • @rustyrockets Russ! My unit want to use you as a berzeker against the Visigoths!
  • Forestry #pioneers: Visigoths. Facing the increasing shortage of wood, they instituted a code concerning preservation of oak/pine forests.
  • History Trivia - sacking of Rome by the Visigoths ends after three days.
  • In one of the events that happened today: Visigoths Via 'On This Day...
  • @feresmos Visigoths reigned over HISPANIA, roman name to the Iberian Peninsula @Catalan_Fascism @hermanntertsch
  • @JohnasPresbyter @QueenLareefer1 from Germanic invaders, I.e the Visigoths. & furthermore most of those who conquered Spain were
  • [Visigoths]西ゴート王国。ゲルマン系。415年ごろ建国。都はトロサ、507年以後はトレド。カタラティウムの戦いでフン族のアッティラを破る。507年フランク王クローヴィスにガリア等を奪われ、711年にウマイヤ朝に滅ぼされた。
  • authors of the Frisians and Batavians had not adopted the theology of the Visigoths, from marching to the hereditary enemy of the Venetians
  • Rome burns whilst Visigoths prance.
  • RT @authorkmeador: History Trivia - sacking of Rome by the Visigoths ends after three days.
  • did you know that community property law is inherently visigothic? next time someone you love is divorcing, reference the visigoths <3
  • RT @historyancient: Crazy Barbarians 😉RT @britishmuseum: Rome was sacked #onthisday in 410 by the Visigoths