voice typing


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  • dah a malas nak taip asyik taipo je. guna voice typing.
  • So I used to voice typing function on my phone is spell the word Fatigue. Instead it gave me the 4 letter word. OK.... That's new
  • Kemalasan yang melampau untuk menaip sehingga saya menggunakan GOOGLE VOICE TYPING.
  • @CalebSinbad no i used voice typing
  • Dog dog yo dawg haha that's so cool my phone's voice typing writes dog with a W if I say yo before it
  • @alexxandraa_a method then uncheck google voice typing
  • @mind_of_nick I used voice typing cause I didn't know how to spell it okay I'm sorry 😂
  • Just used voice typing on my phone for my entire essay without having to type or fix a single mistake. These are great times we live in
  • @patseapatsy ummm,I'll Google it..my ph voice typing always makes mistakes
  • It's been months, but every time I talk into Google Voice typing I think about the tall whites
  • @SwiftKey any updates on the bug that puts the Google voice typing as default instead of SwiftKey?