

A canapé or canape (French for couch an known in Italy as tartina) is a small, prepared and usually decorative food, held in the fingers and often eaten in one bite. Because they are often served during cocktail hours, it is often desired that a canapé be either salty or spicy, in order to encourage guests to drink more. A canapé may also be referred to as finger food, although not all finger foods are canapés. Crackers or small slices of bread or toast or puff pastry, cut into various shapes, serve as the base for savory butters or pastes, often topped with a "canopy" of such savory foods as meat, cheese, fish, caviar, foie gras, purees or relish.

Tweets about vol-au-vent

  • Recette de vol au vent garni de #fondue savoyarde, vin blanc #apéro (France, Savoie)
  • RT @crapolatombola: Sorry I febrezed your bum when you lent forward for a vol au vent.
  • Sorry I febrezed your bum when you lent forward for a vol au vent.
  • #FestivalDeLeMer 2014 premier service en fraîcheur: vol au vent d'escargot servi avec l'Altesse Roussette de Savoie
  • RT @HKTatlerDining: Found: the perfect vol au vent, in 2014! Check out our HK restaurant review of the week:
  • Recette de vol-au vent (ou bouchées à la reine) aux coquilles... | @scoopit
  • RT @Justine29930688: vol au vent
  • Up for a nice hot cup of coffee and a cheesy vol au vent? Drop in people..
  • RT @badongism: You're the one that I want You are a vol-au-vent Ooo ooo ooo
  • Vanmiddag : verse pannenkoeken Vanavond gevulde paprika met currysaus en puree en morgen Vol au vent ( kip zo...
  • @CoteSoleilResto Formules du jour Filet Mignon de Porc ou Vol au Vent de la Mer Bon Appétit... Info/Résa : 0475586318
  • My review of the week for @HKTatlerDining: I'm obsessed with that bloody good vol au vent. #retroatheart
  • Found: the perfect vol au vent, in 2014! Check out our HK restaurant review of the week:
  • You're the one that I want You are a vol-au-vent Ooo ooo ooo
  • Seafood vol au vent🍴 by aroiaroi
  • Bone Marrow Vol-Au-Vent #bareaders @ Lusso
  • One of our bestselling canapé, Pesto Chicken Vol Au Vent! Contact us at catering@delicious.com.my for more info!
  • The vol-au-vent eagerness not keel over except the top: dbo