walking catfish


The walking catfish, Clarias batrachus, is a species of freshwater airbreathing catfish foun primarily in Southeast Asia. Although known in English as "walking catfish", its "walk" is often just a sort of wriggling motion with snakelike movements, using its pectoral fins to keep it upright. However, it can use its tail so vigorously that it hops like a one-legged frog. This fish normally lives in slow-moving and often stagnant waters in ponds, swamps, streams and rivers (Mekong and Chao Phraya basins), flooded rice paddies or temporary pools which may dry up. When this happens, its "walking" skill comes in handy for moving to other sources of water.

Trivia about walking catfish

  • In the 1960s this tropical fish which comes out of the water at night was introduced into Florida

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