windows 3.11


Winows 3.1x is the fourth major release of the Microsoft Windows operating environment. Several editions were released between 1992 and 1994, succeeding Windows 3.0. This family of Windows can run in either Standard or 386 Enhanced memory modes. The exception is Windows for Workgroups 3.11, which can only officially run in 386 Enhanced mode. This version of Windows was and still is the basis for making PCs necessary, practical, and much more user-friendly.

Tweets about windows 3.11

  • #ru_ff Потому что в Висте все было точно так же как в Windows 3.11.
  • Не путаем "Ставлю" и "Получает обновления от производителя". В теории можно поставить и Windows 3.11 FWG - но будет ли толково работать?
  • RT @SirCerealKiller: @thesisidiot Windows 3.11 y diskettes 5 1/4 D=
  • @thesisidiot Windows 3.11 y diskettes 5 1/4 D=
  • @RoyalRumblePod Oye que he actualizado a Windows 3.11
  • @Muschelschloss Windows 3.11, nie hat seither irgendetwas die Sehnsucht nach Stabilität so befriedigt. @FrederikFischer
  • RT @psycko: Windows 3.11 on Acid:
  • Windows 3.11 on Acid:
  • RT @Juarkord: Crowdfunding para que la Ertzaintza actualice sus sistemas a Windows 3.11
  • Crowdfunding para que la Ertzaintza actualice sus sistemas a Windows 3.11
  • This is the Anachronistic Flight Sim Windows 3.11 has been waiting for!
  • @julee_dn aos 17 mexi pela primeira vez num 286 c/ windows 3.11, aos 36 tenho um mac pq ninguém merece windows, mas tb não sei formatar...XD
  • Какой? Windows 3.11 ? )))))))
  • Or if Perl gets ported to Windows 3.11 I guess.
  • .@laura_hudson "Dear Lord, grant my enemies the graphics manipulation software of Windows 3.11." --Voltaire, probably
  • Oh yeah! BLÅA SKÄRMEN på datorn! Precis som när Windows 3.11 krashade 1994. Ja ni vet, eller nä? Diskettkänsla.
  • RT @211177NatFil: @ditertom @Schnitt1 Чуваку надо подсказать, что и Windows 3.11 уже пора менять. Только сказать так, чтобы не шокировать I…
  • @ditertom @Schnitt1 Чуваку надо подсказать, что и Windows 3.11 уже пора менять. Только сказать так, чтобы не шокировать IT-эволюцией...
  • Windows 3.11を日本で見送ったこと #Microsoft怨み節
  • Yo conocí el Windows 3.11
  • RT @techiferous: Neat. I found a 16-year-old webpage hanging around on that has a plugin for Windows 3.11.
  • Neat. I found a 16-year-old webpage hanging around on that has a plugin for Windows 3.11.
  • Using e-Tax on a Mac - not sure how, but i feel like I'm using Windows 3.11 and copy/paste has not yet been invented.
  • Recuerdo que una tía, cuando vio en mi departamento en 1990 una PC con Windows 3.11, me dijo que no entendía para qué servía una computadora
  • En esas primeras PC aún no usaba Windows 3.11, que fue el primer sistema operativo que vi en color y que permitía gráficos animados.
  • @MbarakGh no Windows 3.11
  • Wat RUK update naar #apple iOS8.1 heb nu een ipad die zo traag als een 386'er met windows 3.11. Waar is Steve Jobs dan was dit nooit gebeurd
  • @Airtel_Presence Are your systems still on DOS + Windows 3.11?
  • @OHANTZ J'espère qu'il vous reste les disquettes pour réinstaller windows 3.11 si plantage ;)
  • Que nostalgia me provoca este windows 3.11
  • @torrentsquentes @SandraARomano Eu acho que é aquele windows 3.11...
  • @dilmabr travando mais que #windows 3.11 #DebateNaGlobo #Aécio45 #Aecio45PeloBrasil
  • @malditovivant Windows 3.11 Workgroups
  • Instalando actualización 4 de 108. Tenia Windows 3.11 y no me habia dado cuenta?
  • RT @debbiemoreira: @RonaldoNantes @Agarie Windows 3.11, eu não tenho. Serve esse? XD
  • @RonaldoNantes @Agarie Windows 3.11, eu não tenho. Serve esse? XD
  • @debbiemoreira @Agarie tens aí dando sopa, disquetes de instalação do Windows 3.11? Rsrs
  • Windows 3.11 to Windows 10; Compared to Flight: via @YouTube
  • @_jordan for the record, Windows 3.11 for Workgroups was the best Windows ever.
  • @RArauzo el es más un Windows 3.11, así que imagínate lo multitarea que es
  • voor vragen over Windows 3.11 kan je ook gewoon bij mij terecht hoor ... #jekendekennismaarhebben
  • @rootofall3vil windows 3.11 was my first ever GUI I saw and used - 1993-94. I used to like it. All windows GUI code was written in vb 1.0
  • @HJ91 Windows 3.11 doesn't get the respect it deserves. People are mostly reminiscent about 3.1
  • @DeePakao remember pipes from windows 3.11 era?!
  • With Windows 3.11!? “@HPBizReady: Is your brand built to internationalise?
  • @TEQUEMARE irá con Windows 3.11
  • Also, 2 works like fire and water together... Nooot great but still! You could build a Windows 3.11 PC and play Saints Row 2
  • Mini-Review de Windows 3.11 - El último de los Windows buenos :P
  • @TekFolf Windows 3.11 of course
  • @UPS How long has World Ship been in the making? Do people actually use it? Feels like Windows 3.11-era software to me.