windsor knot


The Winsor-knot, also sometimes referred to as a full Windsor to distinguish it from the half-Windsor, is a method of tying a necktie around one's neck and collar. The Windsor knot, compared to other methods, produces a wide triangular knot. The knot is often thought to be named after the Duke of Windsor (Edward VIII after abdication). It is however named after his grandfather Edward VII. The Duke preferred a wide knot and had his ties specially made with thicker cloth in order to produce a wider knot when tied with the conventional four in hand knot. The Windsor Knot is worn on more formal occasions, and it is especially suited for a spread collar that can accommodate a larger knot, like the Windsor knot, properly.

Trivia about windsor knot

  • Associated with a duke, it's a wide, triangular knot for tying a four-in-hand necktie

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