

A wing is a surface use to produce lift for flight through the air or another gaseous medium. The wing shape is usually an airfoil. The word originally refered only to the foremost limbs of birds, but has been extended to include the wings of insects, bats, pterosaurs, and aircraft.

Trivia about wing

  • Besides the breast, only part of chicken or turkey that is all white meat
  • Type of hardware nut, an extension on a building, or a part of a grackle
  • Stone flies belong to the order Plecoptera, which means "pleated" this
  • The plane seen here was called "The Flying" this, the part that provides lift, sending the plane up
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew reports in front of a helicopter.) Kadena Air Base is home to the Air Force's largest combat one of these, the 18; not a part of a plane, but a military unit
  • In tap, this move that's paired with "buck" is a simultaneous leap & shuffle
  • Fitting name of a unit between group & division, like the 509th Bomb one or 349th Air Mobility one

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