

The wink is an intentional facial expression mae by briefly closing one or both eyes. To wink is to close and open either one or both eyelids with a rapid motion; to blink suggests a sleepy, dazed, or dazzled condition in which it is difficult to focus the eyes or see clearly. A wink is a form of semi-formal communication, which indicates shared, unspoken knowledge.

Trivia about wink

  • It's a deliberate, meaningful, one-eyed blink
  • TV game show host Martindale
  • Mr. Martindale, or what he might do if he likes you
  • Funk & Wagnalls defines it as "to draw the eyelids of 1 eye together, as in conveying a hint"
  • To nictate is to do this, nudge, nudge, nictate, nictate, know what I mean?