

Spring · Summer Autumn · Winter

Trivia about winter

  • The depression or "blues" brought on by seasonal affective disorder is strongest during this season
  • The vernal equinox signals the end of this in the Northern Hemisphere
  • Deciduous trees spend this season in a state of dormancy
  • The aptly named Terry Frost created a painting called this season of the year "1956, Yorkshire"
  • A killer stalks a Michigan resort in the thriller "Dead of" this season
  • Bears' dormancy in this season isn't true hibernation, as their body temperature doesn't drop
  • Whiteout season(6)
  • The aptly-named Terry Frost created a painting called this season of the year "1956, Yorkshire"
  • In Dickens' antonymic opening to "A Tale of Two Cities", "It was the spring of hope, it was" this season "of despair"
  • Hibernal means pertaining to this season
  • "The Lion in ___"
  • (Kelly of the Clue Crew holds a skeletal arm model at Sawbones.) This model presents with a fracture of the radius bone in the forearm, which studies find is most common in this season, as people try to break their falls
  • In a 1982 concert of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons", Isaac Stern played "Spring" & Itzhak Perlman concluded with this
  • The narrator of "A Visit from St. Nicholas" has settled his brain "for a long" this season's "nap"
  • In a Shakespeare play, Mamillius says, "A sad tale's best for" this season
  • Don't book any chipmunks for a recordings session during this season of the year; they're sleeping
  • The French refer to this season of the year as l'hiver
  • A wise tip from the "Wise Garden Encyclopedia" is: never prune evergreens during this season
  • Shakespeare wrote, "a sad tale's best for" this season
  • We don't think Mike Tyson celebrates Boxing Day, which falls in this season, but he's surprised us before
  • "Seasonal" surname of siblings Jimmy & Edgar
  • Louisiana celebrates Battle of New Orleans day during this season, y'all
  • Put on some soft howling music during this season of the year when wolves mate
  • The best washi is traditionally made during this season when the water runs purer