

Wizarology: The Secrets of Merlin is a book created and published by The Templar Company plc in the UK and published by Candlewick Press in America in 2005. The book was allegedly written by Merlin himself and is the third book in the 'Ology series. Wizardology is the third of five books in the 'Ology series, which also include Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons, Egyptology: Search for the Tomb of Osiris, Pirateology: A Pirate Hunter's Companion, and Mythology: Greek Gods, Heroes, & Monsters. The book "Monsterology" by Ernest Drake will be released in August 2008 and "Spyology" will be released in October of 2008. Wizardology is filled with supposed spells and magical information. There are numerous pockets, flaps, secret codes, and scavenger hunts hidden throughout the book. The actual author was Dugald A. Steer, while the book was designed by Nghiem Ta and features the artwork of Helen Ward, Tomislav Tomic, John Howe and Anne Yvonne Gilbert.

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