word pad


WorPad is a simple proprietary word processor that is included with almost all versions of Microsoft Windows from Windows 95 upwards. It is more advanced than Notepad, which is a rather basic text editor, but is not at all as advanced as Microsoft Word. It originated in Windows 1.0x as Write.

Tweets about word pad

  • @chainbear it's a bloody pain in the neck is what it is. It's not even got word on it. I'm using word pad!!!! *cries*
  • Ich entdecke meine Leidenschaft für Word Pad...
  • Word Pad mais OP do que o Word Office. Mais simples, maia fluxo pra escrever <3
  • @CleoDeanna Word Pad #StillBreathin
  • @OfficialCKyleB makikiprint nga lang den ako kay aj. hahah tska wala pa ko ms office ee, naka word pad lang ,
  • 3 años hace que tengo la compu y nunca supe que carajos le pasa al word asi que el word pad me salva, si es que no es lo mismo
  • RT @kaireenyeen: Note pad. Word pad. Dalam otak aku. Bila hujung bulan. Cari pad. Wanita yg mengalami. HAHAHAHA
  • Note pad. Word pad. Dalam otak aku. Bila hujung bulan. Cari pad. Wanita yg mengalami. HAHAHAHA
  • "@dope_asFuccx: Joysticks "@galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what coes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri""sanitary
  • THANK U!!!!"@PROFF_PETE: Play station @galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what comes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri""
  • RT @dope_asFuccx: Joysticks "@galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what coes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri"
  • RT @Antoniosinzu: Playstation @galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what comes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri
  • Playstation @galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what comes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri
  • Periods"@galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what comes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri"
  • Joysticks "@galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what coes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri"
  • Menstruation "@galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what comes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri"
  • Video game "@galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what comes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri"
  • Play station @galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what comes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri"
  • FIFA "@galacticoHD: When you hear the word PAD what comes to your mind? #PongraczInvasionWarri"
  • презентация на тему арифметика каменного века
  • Se ve que el mundo no quiere que instale Word en mi compu que tengo que seguir usando el WORD PAD.
  • @Blondds agarras y te pones a escribir en word pad
  • You know #nanowrimo is in full swing when you have word pad and text counter apps on the main screen…
  • Fazer trabalho no Word Pad, que fase 😖🙇😒
  • I hate how certain files open on word pad and you can't even read what it says...
  • @auquf right? or here's a word pad version.k ?
  • can't wait for a new laptop say no more word pad and migraines over printing
  • Brackets > Sublime texts > word pad
  • Oh my word, Pad Caddell has taken on a rather odd look.
  • @SharonZurcher TSJF started & have voted 200 times for him so far. I keep track of the # of votes in a word pad. I do that when I vote for
  • Kill mode🔫🙉😎 kush and my word pad
  • word pad pala bobo ko naman sayang
  • RT @HYSKOAS: >reads one chapter of nowaki's fic >looks at my writing >looks at his >closes word pad and never writes again
  • >reads one chapter of nowaki's fic >looks at my writing >looks at his >closes word pad and never writes again
  • скачать рабочую программу по обществознанию 8-9 класс боголюбов
  • caralho troublemaker mexeu tanto comigo q eu salvei as melhores partes no word pad kkkkkk
  • @ForeverTiniii en word pad ahre jajajajaj
  • Vou ter que escrever no word pad porque ainda não baixei o office.
  • We've just sold our first personalised Word Pad for kids! Designed especially for my own children - These amazing...
  • Me mato. No se como se usa Word Pad
  • для word pad программу чтения формата xlsx
  • как делать презентации в word pad
  • bwydfjkfe estúpido word pad que no me marca las páginas T_T
  • my aunt: do you use word pad on your laptop? me: no i use one- my aunt: i aint ask you what you use
  • Eu querendo conversar e a Alice: "estou no meu relacionamento com o word pad" beleza kra, esquece azamiga memo, tudo certo
  • @vschx eu tenho, mas é aquele word pad, o word normal da microsoft eu nao tenho (na verdade tenho, mas nao consigo escrever nele porque
  • @chloehodge95 I do all my work of word pad then copy it to an email hahaha
  • du coup je dois tout recommencer :-))))))))))))))))))))))))) heureusement que cette fois je l'avais enregistré sur word pad ptn
  • Add word pad as £0. Reddit is just