word processors


A wor processor (more formally known as document preparation system) is a computer application used for the production (including composition, editing, formatting, and possibly printing) of any sort of printable material.

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Tweets about word processors

  • RT @MB1098: Dear word processors, My character's names ARE ACTUAL NAMES. Sincerely, All annoyed writers in the world #amwriting #CampNaNoW…
  • Dear word processors, My character's names ARE ACTUAL NAMES. Sincerely, All annoyed writers in the world #amwriting #CampNaNoWriMo
  • @amandapalmer The best thing about word processors is you can ALWAYS make one more change; the worst is you can always make ONE more change.
  • @reditech This is a serious issue. It's why I'm careful to move Ss towards style/distraction-free word processors vs MS Word, etc. #aussieED
  • @carlreiner This generation was raised with word processors. The English language is soon to be only written by artificial intelligence.
  • They even omit the 13 in word processors.... check in font size.
  • Think my mobile phone has been hijacked by aliens, lol! I'm supposed to be an IT expert, pre IBM computers having used Wang Word Processors.
  • @andycelt1 The answer to your question is easy: I employ an infinite team of monkeys on a infinite number of word processors! ;-)
  • Day 49 without Word: I miss its word count feature, which is superior to other word processors'; aside from that, no love lost.
  • @WineAboutLaw @lawyerinbeta The reason justification gets a bad rep. is that most word processors do a terrible job. It's a labor of love.
  • @YaLibrarianDrea My teen writer group used to be named The Word Processors until I just started calling it Teen Writers :)
  • @room34 It's kind of like word-processors - I like my workspace to get out of my way so I can write. (This is also why I won't use Word.)
  • RT @smartling: Learn about the challenges of using word processors as translation software ->
  • Learn about the challenges of using word processors as translation software ->
  • the ultimate irony, my word processors dictionary doesnt recognize the word bloviate Seriously amwriting nanowrim
  • @jphilipz Which is pretty much the exact problem I have with all word processors.
  • @MichelleGlean @MadalynSklar Did they give a reason for doing lyrics on a separate computer? Plenty of great Mac word processors... #ggchat
  • Apparently hours of coding have made me unfit to use normal word processors.
  • RT @satifice: I hate word processors because they mix format/presentation with content.
  • I hate word processors because they mix format/presentation with content.
  • @anitarosner with word processors we don't even need to be expert spellers; & when voice-recognition is better we won't even need to type!
  • Technology Throwback Thursday: Snail Mail and Word Processors
  • We had word processors!
  • The intermediate state of the evolution of word processors, going from typewriters to computers and…
  • Challenges of Using Word Processors as Translation Software - When I translate, I use MS Word 2007 and MS Excel 20...
  • @nicktatorship You use Scrivener? Something else? Getting fed up with commercial word processors.
  • guess how much I hate word processors
  • Best Beats: The Month in Hip-Hop, June 2014: I thought about making this one 'Word Processors Auto-Correcting ...
  • RT @tnerdjokes: "One of my pet peeves is word processors that do not accept the Oxford Comma."
  • @marissadraws I would be lost without word processors. My handwriting is dreadful.
  • "One of my pet peeves is word processors that do not accept the Oxford Comma."
  • RT @jobz4legal: #jobs4u #jobs Legal Word Processors & Workflow - 2nd & 3rd Shifts, [New York, #NY] #legal