word wrap


Wor wrap or line wrap is the feature, supported by most text editors, word processors, and web browsers, of automatically replacing some of the blank spaces between words by line breaks, such that each line fits in the viewable window, allowing text to be read from top to bottom without any horizontal scrolling.

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Tweets about word wrap

  • ST3のword_wrapは狭い画面だとtrueのほうが使いやすいかな…
  • @TrentonTheTMan @TW_Blue2 How can you try out the snapshot, so far all of the accessible clients can't do word-wrap on the tweet list.
  • Not using the default word-wrap as I need to have enough control to insert a UISprite in the background at a specific point.
  • Trying to write word-wrap for a NGUI UILabel. Appending extra words in reverse order. Oops.
  • Try 1 wrap for $20 text the word "wrap" to 612.987.1516
  • S/O to @FreedomFoodsAU for most bogus use of the word wrap ever. If it cant wrap around food without breaking, it's not a wrap its a taco.
  • Try 1 wrap for $25 text the word "wrap" to 612.987.1516
  • @mojavelinux default word wrap settings in IDE. I should probably look into that
  • Today's greatest find: "GIT_PAGER='' git diff /some/file.c" makes git diff word wrap long lines in the console. #programming #git
  • Okay apt-get why do you make a newline before the 80th caracter, no one uses 80 witdth terminal and theses terminals have word-wrap
  • Eclipseのエディタは行折り返し機能が備わっていないらしい。驚き。で、Word-Wrap Plug-Inなるものをインストールしたら何とか解決した感じ。
  • @atami_urara word-wrapをbreak-wordにしたら解決できました! とっても助かりました,ありがとうございます。
  • @yenocel 禁則処理とかword wrap, line break, justification, hyphenationあたりですかねえ
  • @bryanveloso #rekt word-wrap: break-word; so OP
  • RT : Workin' on word wrap code like it's 1999... #gamedev
  • RT @doki2: Workin' on word wrap code like it's 1999... #gamedev
  • Workin' on word wrap code like it's 1999... #gamedev
  • #ubcc2014 FS design-Use Word Wrap when designing financial statements so you don't need to enter a start & stop position for each line.