

WPS1 Art Raio is the internet radio station of P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center and the Museum of Modern Art, providing a 24-hour stream and on-demand archive of cultural programming. The station operates out of the historic Clocktower Building in lower Manhattan, New York City, where a network of interlinked studios stream live and pre-recorded talk, performances and historic recordings to a world wide audience. Launched in April 2004, WPS1's web-tracking statistics show listeners from over 50 countries tuned in to hear nearly 1,000 programs each day over the first year of operation. Visitors select from a traditional radio program format or choose from an on-demand archive of over 1,000 hours of material.

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Tweets about wps1

  • Little me✋ #then #past #remember #summer #young
  • kalo gua gak nyapa, atau gak bales sapaan lu. bukannya gua sombong, mungkin biasa gua lagi Ng.... #sorysoryajeh
  • @Juri8e クリアしたゲームを整然と並べるのが好きなんですよねw場所が狭いので仕方なく二列にしていますがwPS1ソフトとかの落ちたら割れそうなのは、あまり高い所に置かないようにしています…w
  • ストZERO2だとアーケードのVCあるのk…と思ったらスーファミ版だったwwwカプコン!!!!!違うだろ!!!wPS1アーカイブスでせめて出してよ!!!w