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  • Spacebase DF-9 gameplay video — Early Access impressions
  • Distance rushing to #steam Early Access this Autumn
  • Giveaway: Enter to win an ASUS ROG GL551 gaming laptop с помощью @PCGamer
  • Sims 4 developer warns there won't be a Sims 5 if this one doesn't sell Lol, now that's pretty goddamn rude, EA.
  • Arma 3 celebrates one-year anniversary with Zeus livestream and free stuff
  • Alien: Isolation has gone gold, so here are the system requirements via @PCGamer
  • Mechwarrior Online rights returned to Piranha Games, "more efficient development" promised: Fans have complain...
  • Giveaway: Enter to win an ASUS ROG GL551 gaming laptop via @PCGamer
  • Double Fine's Hack 'n' Slash leaves early access, makes source code available for Steam ...: Double Fine have ...
  • Web cookies audit for persistent 61, 3rd party 55, session 5 #webcookies
  • Diablo 3's patch 2.1 emphasizes speeding through content, and that's a good thing
  • DayZ's producer addresses community concerns about the game's development
  • Warlock: Master of the Arcane is (briefly) free during the Humble Store End of Summer Sale
  • Divinity: Original Sin studio says it wouldn't "be correct" to crowdfund next game
  • Divinity: Original Sin studio says it wouldn't "be correct" to crowdfund next game: Yet in spite of that succe...
  • #crowdfunding Divinity: Original Sin studio says it wouldn't "be correct" to crowdfund next game
  • Elite: Dangerous newsletter details upcoming exploration systems #elite
  • Yogscast give Yogventures backers free Landmark key