

Xcalak is a village of approximately 400 inhabitants in the municipality of Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, on the Caribbean coast of Mexico. Xcalak is one of the last unspoile stretches of Mexican Caribbean located on the Southern end of the Costa Maya. The world's second largest barrier reef passes just off-shore from Xcalak and it is also a departure point for dive trips to the Chinchorro Banks atoll reef system. It is designated a Mexican national reef preserve and is an excellent site for snorkeling, scuba diving and fly fishing. It is 60 km South of Mahahual, the site of a new large cruise ship pier, and just north of the border with Belize. This section of coast is now being developed by the tourism industry and has a growing number of Americans and other expatriates investing in beach front property north of town. However, development is nowhere close to the degree of development of its Northern cities Cancún and Playa del Carmen.

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