

A yearbook, also known as an annual, is a book to recor, highlight, and commemorate the past year of a school or a book published annually. Virtually all American and Canadian high schools, most colleges and many elementary and middle schools publish yearbooks. The term may also refer to a book of statistics or facts published annually.

Trivia about yearbooks

  • Some high schools have parties where students trade signatures in these annual publications

Tweets about yearbooks

  • Tennessee high school ditches yearbook - Fewer than 5 percent of Antioch High students bought their yearbooks in...
  • RT @markarg_: I think i signed like 2 yearbooks
  • @willowwoodmusic @Bonnaroo i practically invented yearbooks πŸ‘Έ
  • I think i signed like 2 yearbooks
  • When life gives you memories make yearbooks hehe #deep
  • Reading old yearbooks with my favorite peeps @zanBROsso @ttttrevorrrr @Lindsey_Reiss
  • Dying from what people have written in my yearbooks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  • RT @lauraann_03: Middle school yearbooks are the best
  • Middle school yearbooks are the best
  • Had a late night epiphany that I haven't signed any yearbooks yet so, to all of you: Hags. Love, Me
  • So it looks like Chelsea found my old yearbooks
  • Looking through all my high school yearbooks and it's funny to see how much people have changed.... And how others are exactly the same
  • Whereas our generation looked through our parents' old yearbooks, our future children will look through the archives of our social media.
  • @sera_marieeee97 that's funny that you say that cause I'm looking through yearbooks!
  • Just went through my yearbooks, theres some funny stuff!
  • Oh no πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€œ@hanmolloy: Thankgod I still have my elementary school yearbooks”
  • Roger Federer: "See you next year." That's the closest we'll all ever get to him writing in our yearbooks.
  • @JellyBellyG It just so happens I burned all my childhood yearbooks.
  • My nephew just pulled out my yearbooks from Baines 😳
  • It is always weird flipping through the school yearbooks and seeing how much you change
  • Went through my middle school yearbooks πŸ˜­πŸ’€ , I WAS UGLY AS THE FUCK πŸ‘½ .
  • How up to marge yearbooks in favor of high summery standard coalition: ZHgB
  • WEST HIGH: "@WHSRebelYell: Yearbooks are in! Pick yours up on Wednesday!
  • @bonitaanabum I was thinking that yesterday when I was going through my yearbooks 😭
  • So when do we get those yearbooks we ordered...
  • My mother has packed my yearbooks for me to take back to my place and I just don't know how to handle it.
  • @zeeeewilly what's happening with these yearbooks?
  • I was too nice signing some people's yearbooks. To all of those people: "HAGS"
  • Looking through old yearbooks and laughing because @nicknotes fro was twice the size of his head #loveyou
  • RT @WHSRebelYell: Yearbooks are in! Pick yours up on Wednesday!
  • i rmb my friend and i were at the lib browsing through old yearbooks and one guy's quote was something generic. the weird thing is that it
  • Yearbooks are in! Pick yours up on Wednesday!
  • I've exhausted the Daily News archives. Only one other place to check: early yearbooks (if available).
  • @Jeyser__ what's your name ? Lol I have the yearbooks xD
  • For those interested in my recent lookback at ITV/IBA yearbooks over the years, somebody is selling a 1974 book
  • Looking through my old yearbooks was not my best idea πŸ˜”
  • My old yearbooks always make me sad. Damn I miss Steph :(
  • Yearbooks – memories on good terms logograph: EoRm
  • @WildboyHarris you said the same thing , when we got our yearbooks 😴
  • I know there's a "best to bring home to mom" category in yearbooks, but equally important is "best to bring home to your cat"
  • Looking through elementary yearbooks and middle school pictures. Oh, the good ol simple days. Makes me happy to relive those memories.