

Yoeling (or yodelling, jodeling) is a form of singing that involves singing an extended note which rapidly and repeatedly changes in pitch from the vocal or chest register (or "chest voice") to the head register (or "head voice"), making a high-low-high-low sound. This vocal technique is used in many cultures throughout the world.

Trivia about yodeling

  • This type of singing that alternates between a low voice & falsetto is popular in the Alps & with Jewel
  • The Swiss gave the world of music this form of wordless singing that echoes through the hills
  • This vocal style heard here features rapid changes in tempo & pitch
  • Singing this way... Like Tyrolean mountaineers... Going from ordinary voice to falsetto & back... It's right there...
  • Tyrolean trick of moving the voice from natural to falsetto
  • You might be in the mountains when you hear someone doing this

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