

A zombie is a reanimate human corpse. Stories of zombies originated in the Afro-Caribbean spiritual belief system of Vodou, which told of the dead being raised as workers by a powerful sorcerer. Zombies became a popular device in modern horror fiction, largely because of the success of George A. Romero's 1968 film, Night of the Living Dead.

Trivia about zombie

  • In Haitian folk belief, it's a soulless corpse reanimated by a voodoo priest or bocor
  • It can be a reanimated voodoo automaton, or a drink that might turn you into one
  • In Haiti & parts of West Africa, it's a corpse brought back to life
  • One story says this rum drink made the 1st man who drank it feel "like the living dead"
  • After one of these cocktails using 3 different kinds of rum, you might feel like the voodoo victim it's named for
  • This 6-letter undead minion shares the name of the python deity in West African voodoo cults
  • With so much brainpower on stage today, this "Living Dead" movie monster wouldn't know where to start
  • Appearing in voodoo cultures, these creatures were featured in "Night of the Living Dead"
  • This 6-letter drink has 1 oz. light, dark & anejo rum, as well as 2 teaspoons of 151 proof rum, but no human brains