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Gatorade Sports Science Institute
Provides articles, tips, research, educational tools, and interactive presentations on sports nutrition and exercise science.

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1 gatorade power point 1 1
2 anti inflamatory drugs 1 3
3 athletic hydration 1 1
4 exercise induced oxidation and its effects on the body 1 1
5 drinks with kava ingredient 1 1
6 gatorade diabetics 1 1
7 juvenile obesity causes 1 1
8 ephedrine 1 83
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10 stress fracture of the arm 1 1
11 gatorade products 1 1
12 good coaches 1 1
13 does gatorade benefit muscles 1 1
14 recovery from exercise 1 1
15 nutrition and baseball tournament 1 1
16 gatorade institute 1 1