christian faiths


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  • @FuckSwagg47 @ShaneJordan5 @suwanneedemocra Where do you think all other Christian faiths originated from? The other thing is I DONT insult
  • @Renando69 grew up Catholic. I learned more as I aged and have studied a lot on heretical Christian faiths.
  • @SGFMann It's a bit of a mess isn't it? Why shouldn't non-Christian faiths have schools if C of E/Catholics can? Or perhaps no faith should?
  • You Should Not Leave Mormonism (or other Christian faiths) For Any of These 5 Reasons
  • 14 non-Christian faiths practiced in the Rocket City, according to information from The Huntsville Times.
  • @phyllis_mac ABSOLUTELY... seems he only is OK with ISLAM and other non-Judeo-Christian faiths. His actions are deafening.
  • RT @Semkae: @SoraZiZ kosa sisi waafrika tunafanya: Kuchukua literally maandiko. Judeo-christian faiths take a broader view. Values ni muhim…
  • @SoraZiZ kosa sisi waafrika tunafanya: Kuchukua literally maandiko. Judeo-christian faiths take a broader view. Values ni muhimu. @Kadulyu
  • Spam via @exploregod and Promoted Tweets ! What the heck @twitter ! Christian Faiths only -Muslim & Jews allowed ? SPAM IS SPAM #Blocked
  • @bighilti Protestantism like Catholicism and Anglicanism are all Christian faiths so there is really no problem marrying except in OO eyes
  • @SabreKallision @TJLuckman550 I mean I know that has to be the same in everything but I think people of other Christian faiths have stronger
  • @majidshaikh @AshleyHeath5 @KTHopkins Your God is the same God as the Jewish and Christian faiths. He doesn't have balls as big as Odin's...
  • And other religions' beliefs? Transfusions, vaccinations, antidepressants, pig derived meds not allowed in some other non-Christian faiths
  • RT @ProudPatriot: If Christian faiths threatened 2 cutoff their head if they didnt convert like the Muslimx co , there wud b millions of Mu…
  • If Christian faiths threatened 2 cutoff their head if they didnt convert like the Muslimx co , there wud b millions of Muslims converting.
  • @frkbmb In the early 1800s, bishops of several different Christian faiths became worried by the "outburst of young people reading"
  • @DontVladMeMrs I may have a book about those & different so called Christian faiths. I flip thru them then give them away if I lose interest
  • RT @Diamond_London: Both Muslim & Christian faiths also feature polygamy ..though most Christians will have u believe that monogamy is the …