

Etiquette, one aspect of ecorum, is a code that governs the expectations of social behavior, according to the contemporary conventional norm within a society, social class, or group. Usually unwritten, it may be codified in written form. Etiquette usually reflects formulas of conduct in which society or tradition have invested. An etiquette may reflect an underlying ethical code, or in may grow more as a fashion, as in eighteenth century Britain where apparently pointless acts like the manner in which a tea cup was held became associated with the upper class. Like "culture", it is a word that has gradually grown plural, especially in a multi-ethnic society with many clashing expectations. Thus, it is now possible to refer to "an etiquette" or "a culture", realizing that these may not be universal. In Britain, though, the word etiquette has its roots in the eighteenth century, becoming a universal force in the nineteenth century to the extent that it has been described as the one word that aptly describes life during the reign of Queen Victoria .

Trivia about etiquette

  • It's the set of rules for behaving properly in society; Miss Manners is an expert on this subject
  • Conventional requirements as to social behavior, from the French for "ticket"
  • This term first applied only to manners and conduct at royal courts

Tweets about etiquette

  • RT @bookfreebies200: Win a $10 Amazon #GC on the An Etiquette Guide to the End Times Book Tour & Giveaway: Virtual Book Tour Dates:... http…
  • @thealexbru proper emoji etiquette varies from person to person, it is a risky but fun sea u are swimming in
  • RT @Harry_Styles: @little_wink that was you? I thought you were mugging me. Bumping isn't cash machine etiquette you know.
  • C'est le Week-end ! Pourquoi ne pas décoller l'étiquette attribuée hâtivement à tel(le) ou à tel(le) et le(la) sortir de sa case ?
  • Etiquette
  • @IanJamesPoulter some people just forget the etiquette of the game!!!
  • Authority relative to forging etiquette of aol small grant-in-aid: iXBW
  • 5 Email Etiquette Tips For Marketing Professionals | @scoopit
  • 프로필 사진을 다른사람의 그림으로 이용중일시, 그린이의 충분한 동의를 구하신 후 이용해주시기 바랍니다. 타인의 저작권을 팔아 자신의 인기로 삼지 말아주세요.
  • RT @brainpickings: How to write letters – an 1876 guide to the lost art of epistolary etiquette
  • NYC Basic Tips and Etiquette NYC Basic Tips and EtiquetteNathan W. Pyle (Author)(73)Buy...
  • RT @WashingtonPist: #etiquette: Please stop humble-bragging in your terrible out-of-office... #HelloThanks #HenryAl…
  • "@LudosLounge: Teach your dogs well! Etiquette is the most valuable trick your dog will ever learn." Get on it Rocky. Your over due.
  • #etiquette: Please stop humble-bragging in your terrible out-of-office... #HelloThanks #HenryAlford #NewYorkTimes
  • 【アマゾン:Computers & Technology > E-mailで一番ギフトとして贈られている商品】第1位 E-mail Etiquette #Amazon
  • RT @AlenaB8: Culture Shock! Jakarta: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette (Culture Shock! at Your Door) (Cultureshock...
  • Etiquette @NervousJared says u stand w hands down or folded in front or back but no hand over heart.
  • If you clog someone's toilet, it's your job to unclog it: Essential manners for childhood and beyond
  • 3 things you need to know about planning a destination wedding:
  • #1Dfacts: En faisant du shopping un jour, Louis a mis une étiquette dans la poche d'Harry pour faire déclencher les alarmes des magasins.
  • Imam Abdullah Ibnul Mubarak (ra) said:I learnt Adab (etiquette & manners) for 30 years & acquired knowledge for 20 years. (ghaaya al-nihaya)
  • How to write letters – an 1876 guide to the lost art of epistolary etiquette
  • Il y a des meufs, elles devraient coller une étiquette " Attention peinture fraiche " sur leur front !
  • J'viens d'apprendre que l'étiquette sur les casquettes c'est juste pour éviter de la salir quand tu la retires et que t'as mangé des chips.😊
  • How do you cope with challenges of travel? Here are strategic tips:
  • You've got online etiquette questions. Gizmodo User Manual has answers. Email us, we can help
  • Jongin also mentioned that Taiwanese fans' etiquette was really great and he was so touched because of that . (bongzr44)
  • Answers to the 10 most common wedding invitation questions -- including when to send them!
  • Don't be one of 'these' people in your #TBT posts today via @Mashable
  • Enjoyed the food from Pats Place BUT most of the staff need manners and customer service etiquette
  • When going to an interview look your best! Here are a few tips and tricks:
  • An Unofficial Guide for Throwback Thursday Etiquette via @mashable
  • My intelligent sister-in-law works from home and fell asleep during a webinar on email etiquette. She is my hero of the day. #groggy
  • #8: The Art of the Social Graces (Learn the essentials of Etiquette, Manners, Invitations, Entertaining, Formal...
  • RT @felishathediva: Never apologize for having high standards. @divaquette #Etiquette #Manners #Divaquette #Diva #Women…
  • @SkyNewsNaz oh i beg your pardon , sorry i have the etiquette of a ford fiesta, i should of said "nazaneen, you said i wouldnt get hot" haha
  • RT @famousquotefeed: Rudeness is the weak man's imitation of strength. ~Eric Hoffer #Etiquette #quotes
  • @paulineblqt haha mais nan je lis seulement ce qu'il y a écrit sur l'étiquette
  • Never apologize for having high standards. @divaquette #Etiquette #Manners #Divaquette #Diva #Women…
  • Happy #TBT
  • Can I subtweet someone whose work I have to edit? #etiquette
  • RT @GetToKnowBDO: 3 Tips to Practicing Good Business Etiquette via @AICPA
  • Their original raison d'être or purpose may be lost, but etiquette's acceptance is still unquestioned. -Amy Vanderbilt #etiquette #manners
  • The evolution of email has come a long way since 1982. via @WashingtonPost
  • RT @Jessica_Read: #preach!!! RT @AMADC: #TBT Etiquette: Rules for social media.
  • RT @ProfileBooks: Essential @facebook advice from Sandi Toksvig. #Sanditips #etiquette #savingface(book)
  • RT @StJoesCoreTeam: Let's get fancy! Can't wait to see everyone at our etiquette dinner!
  • @jmret great etiquette... real professional.
  • Ibm 000-379 etiquette exams: qeDBzBCHn
  • @DonnaWilsonLtd whats the etiquette though? it's like a minefield judging how to approach which stores in what way?!